Saturday, August 31, 2024

A Different Vacation

 This is a different summer holiday. At the last moment we cancelled Acadia--something about traveling six hours on the highway going 70 miles an hour at our ages. It's hard to accept that age.

  Later on in the week we'll be heading down to the MFA to see a Salvador Dali exhibit, Instead of driving we'll take an Uber ride. By the time you pay for parking or the T down it's almost a wash.  We discovered this when David was visiting and we caught an uber from place to place. During David's visit we discovered walking sticks, ON sneakers, Mont Blanc pens, and soft zippered shirts. 

Yesterday we went down to Porter Square Bookstore--which is moving to the old Sears Building in Porter Square--more room. And the coffee shop will expand its size. I hope it retains its vibe and doesn't look like a refigured Barnes and Nobel. 

We're both on a Preston & Charles reading kick. Laid back summer read--and they have series. 

We're heading there today after stopping in Harvard at the General Store for lunch. Great lunch.