Sunday, November 29, 2020

Two Sides to Words

 Psalm 12

Two Sides to Words

When lies intrude

displacing truths

with fabrications

a collision exists

between words 

that ferment unease 

and words that cross boundaries

to smooth rough places 

to offer hope 

When people speak with hollow words 

with words of derision

with words that spew unrest 

Adonai looks upon his gift 

of language—mangled, distorted 

by supple tongues and shorn of love 

and seeks those who use words 

to bless, to love 

to embrace

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Wandering on a Möbius

 Psalm 11

G-d of many names

I called you Adonai

I called you Jesus

Today I call you Adonai

     and wrap myself

     in ancient words

You heard me

Watched while 

I pursued you

Walked with me

Sheltered me 

within your embrace

I heard others

snicker, paint me


Turn their cackle

into hollow moans

Force them to chew

their words

until spittle

garbles their speech

Restore their words


scrubbed and cleanest

with love