After posting on Marginalia for twelve years—although only consistently for the past five years — my blog no longer could stay abreast of the new tech demands. I had refused to transfer my blog to a new template when it became apparent that the transfer was not foolproof. Some posts might slide into oblivion. And because I had never bothered to back-up my posts, nor copied my poetry, I envisioned lines floating in space, no longer tethered to other lines. Endings to poems might suffer the embarrassment of being doomed to the plight referred to as unearned endings.
The decision to close down one blog and start over brewed for weeks. Then I couldn’t find a name that fit. Everything I thought of was either too snug or too loose. So what does Bending Toward Words really mean? Why did I select that name? And here’s the rub. I think I just wore myself down to the nib trying to find an acceptable name.
I visualize myself bending over and finding words in crevices and nooks, stockpiling stacks of words, and then threading words into sentences. An occasional visual might appear—my own attempt to decipher meaning. And of course I will write of my faith walk— both the sputtering and the ascents.