Sunday, September 29, 2019

#BlogElul29: Return

Looking Backwards
    To See Ahead

                    “Teshuvah at its best, 
                      is about seeing how we missed the mark.”
                            The Velveteen Rabbi

I return to last year
turning it over, spreading it out
underlining places that felt
out of kilter, undone, put aside—
forgotten or altered 
Oh those plans, those dissonant
conversations where words
needed clarity instead of 
ambiguity, where thoughts were
left in silence. So now I return
to those places with resolve 
I seek out some people
to ask their forgiveness
I remind myself to do more
than expend words on social ills
I know —prayers also need footsteps
Oh dear Lord
I tiptoed where I needed to walk boldly
On this birthday of the world
I give thanks for Your Creation—
its colors and shapes, sounds
as quiet as the humming bird’s wings
as noisy as waves crashing onto the shore
This is the time of Teshuvah,
the time to begin anew.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

#BlogElul 28: Give

Give the People Words

I will read Torah
and hear the stories anew
as a gift of love

Friday, September 27, 2019


No Training Necessary

You don’t need set words 
or someone else’s prayer 
to offer a blessing
You need a soul filled
with abundance 
with the desire to open
up and let the Spirit 
move through you—
let the words pour out
If you ask who am I to bless
and how do I bless, I say
Look around 
Plenty people waiting
Maybe someone’s even
waiting to bless you

Thursday, September 26, 2019

#BlogElul 26: Create

Nature Creates a Fibonacci Number

My collages
made from bits of paper
on repurposed yellow ledgers
attempt new narratives 
Origami papers, 
provide a backstory
where design rules are upended
unlike the spirals of  sunflower seeds
which follow a given pattern
Sunflower after sunflower

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

#BlogElul25: Change

Upon Reflection

I explore change
Nibble the edges
Taste its underbelly
Walk onto a veneer
of thawing ice 
and proceed with caution

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

#BlogElul24: Hope

  Another Definition of Hope

 If I didn’t know that the roses
bloom again next spring
or that the just planted sapling
fills out and the days extend 
to include more light
If I didn’t know that the ending 
contains a beginning and everything
is a migration from the known to unknown
If I didn’t know—then doubt
might root itself and grow

Monday, September 23, 2019

#Bolg Elul 23: Begin

In the Moment

to begin this year
with a  clean slate and a gift
of a new blessing

Sunday, September 22, 2019

#BlogElul 22: End

 The End is Often Sudden

I read old
postcards from places
I only knew from an atlas
Scraps of paper with lines of poetry
half digested thoughts and bits of songs
play around in my memory
Recollections of paintings 
done with a palette knife
on stretched canvases—the look of 
“abstract expressionism”
remain on an easel
After so many years I recall
three legged races
whipped jello
too many hot dogs served
on toasted buns
and fireflies caught in jars
I recall a kite flying close
to the sun when the string snapped 
and it plunged into the ocean
And then time moved beyond—
A book with chapters 
Each chapter adding a layer to the whole
Some of the role players only
live in memories
Others have moved on
and have their own books
where I may play a small role 
To begin something 
always carries the burden of an ending—
often semi- sweet, other times a relief


Saturday, September 21, 2019

#BlogElul 21: Love

The Song of Songs Replayed

When you know your heart
and you savor the sweetness
of your lover’s face

Friday, September 20, 2019

#BlogElul 20: Fill

Soul Music

I fill myself up
with the sweet sounds of praying
and begin to sing

Thursday, September 19, 2019

#BlogElul 19: Speak

Between God and Yette

God and my grandmother 
talked to one another 
She shared her life 
as if God was our neighbor
I remember one  day 
she spoke about her bunion 
and the place her shoe rubbed
her foot red raw 
She didn’t ask for any relief
or a pair of new shoes 
She spoke to God the
same way she talked
 to her friend Mrs Ruben
When the woman who lived
upstairs lost her husband 
my grandmother asked God
to keep an eye on her,
to keep her company
She understood loneliness
as a companion to the widow
When I asked her about her prayers
“ I don’t pray,” she said
“I just speak to God”

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

#BlogElul 18: Ask

The Response May Be Not Now

Just because you ask
Just because you want something—
even when you pray

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

#BlogElul 17: Awaken

To Look With New Eyes

I uncoil the past year
look beneath a litany of events—
Did any conversations
spiral beyond boundaries 
Could words be set 
in a different frame
Are there places that emerged
with edges that need refining
I need to spread them out
and smooth out the rough spots

Monday, September 16, 2019

#BlogElul 16: Pray

The Dialogue 

My friend got down on her knees
 praying to her savior for release
 She begged for liberation
 and waited for a response
I listened to her pleas—
the way she cajoled 
and bargained
until  she ran
out of words
She stood, 
held onto a chair back
and said
Dear Lord
May I live in your house


Sunday, September 15, 2019

#BlogElul 15: Plan

Being Open to Interruption

You plan your time and
then an intruder arrives
with a  strange request

Saturday, September 14, 2019

#BlogElul 14: Learn

  Attending Night School 

My grandmother Yette wrote her name
on scraps of paper and added them to
a pile of completed homework—
She practiced each letter 
as if remaining in this country 
depended on the way each
letter adhered to form
Twice a week she rode a bus
to her evening English class—
Sometimes she brought the teacher
a piece of homemade  honey cake
When she died a stack of her written name
remained on a bookshelf 
between a prayer book and a shoebox
filled with Yiddish and Polish writings

Friday, September 13, 2019

#BlogElul 13:Remember


I remember what I cannot say
because once said it no longer
retains that quiet whisper
It squanders questions by
remaining in my head
Once I shared a hint—not
complete but enough to give 
some light, a shadow— 
a  penumbra in waiting
I remember how I bent my will
and stepped onto a  path—
I remember step by step 
moving along, allowing myself
to enter into the shoals and eddies—
mountains and pastures

Thursday, September 12, 2019

#BlogElul 12: Count


Count on days shrinking 
and darkness in ascension
Count on the cycle starting
again with “ In the beginning...”
and count on leaves tossed
about by wind and even a breeze
Count on remembering the past year—
the places that need mending, the
words left unsaid and the words said
Count on a chance to repair
places torn by words

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

# BlogElul 11: Trust

I Trust You to Use it Well

My mother’s philodendron lived for thirty-seven years—
twice repotted, watered frequently, and in a place filled
with light that streamed in between slotted blinds—
My mother bought the plant, a vacuum cleaner and a dining
room table after I moved into my own home
Each month she sent me money to do with as I wished
She never asked how I spent the money she sent 
when she received my father’s pension check
It never occurred to me to ask what she did without

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

BlogElul. 10: Forgive


To forgive requires a backward glance—
the sweeping out of corners,
flooding the past with strobe lights
and holding what is found 
until you decide to forgive
even when you know that your words,
shrugged off as unimportant
will remain unread

Monday, September 9, 2019

BlogElul 9: see

  The View

My favorite spot to view the ocean,
to watch the waves climb over
rocks set in their appointed places
is a flat rock that tilts to the left
From that rock I see the horizon line
and the way the ocean blurs a clear 
demarcation between blue hues
I wrap myself in kelp for warmth
and watch the ocean inhale and exhale

Sunday, September 8, 2019

BlogElul 8: Hear

A Hymn to Words

They listen to the wind 
unravel between branches, 
toss twigs, launch acorns 
No one else is on the trail—
it belongs to them 
Before the sun retreats
they hear their words echo
in the space between said
and unsaid words

Saturday, September 7, 2019

BlogElul 7: Understand


Only three letters
separate understand from—
“to misunderstand”

Friday, September 6, 2019

#BlogElul 6: Want

    Not Yet, Perhaps Soon

Is it selfish to own many wants
when others own a paucity
Some wants remain silent
They carry themselves from
year to year, brushed off,
reworded in the hope that
they will be fulfilled.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

#BlogElul 5: Commit

   The Binding

More than a passing fancy,
an intellectual conundrum
It requires a shift in thinking,
a transformation from one
place to another
It requires words said aloud—
each syllable consecrated
To commit to anything
tames the Tightrope Walker
who resides within

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

#BlogElul 4: Choose

 The Quandary

To choose 
To elect a choice from
myriad possibilities
requires turning away
and turning toward
As if it’s ever that simple
to say either or
when you own both sides

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

#BlogElul 3: Prepare


You can’t prepare for
every contingency, our
life writes its own script

Monday, September 2, 2019

#BlogElul 2: Seek

Mending Fences

When you wander
within a maze
barriers alter paths
and force 
a change of direction
I seek a way
to cancel out walls
and mend broken places,
to create a new itinerary 
where paths intersect
and roadblocks disappear

Sunday, September 1, 2019

#blogElul 1: Decide

     A False Premise

Some stories rest 
under unspoken words,
beneath layers of years
Shall I excavate 
a buried narrative,
dust off the detritus, 
shake it 
and let it breathe 
The story itself is tame, 
but spools 
into a chronicle 
that rests on a flimsy base
Authentic history 
requires primary sources
Yet, I cannot decide